Från snubben som konverterade fonten: I don’t know about emacs font handling, but getting Dina to show up in X11 should not be a problem following my instructions given at the link you cited.
However, there’s one small catch involved with Debian-based distributions like (K)Ubuntu. You need to tell fontconfig to enable bitmapped fonts (“dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config” [no typo here!]), because bitmapped fonts are disabled in (K)Ubuntu by default. That’s why you probably did not come across it in X yet.
After having packed the Dina files into a directory which is in the font path (tex /usr/share/fonts/X11/misc), just run “dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig” which on Debian-based systems does the xset fp rehash and all that stuff automatically. When done, an “fc-list | grep Dina” should show Dina. At least it did on my Kubuntu Gutsy installation.
Good luck -bpcw001
Så, den totala steglistan blir som följer
1: Placera Dina-fonterna (tex Dina-PCF och Dina-BDF mapparna) i ~/.fonts
2: Kör kommandot nedan för att möjliggöra scanning av bitmapfonter och sedan rensa cachen.
I Ubuntu Lucid Lynx kan det vara värt att köra igenom följande två kommandon
sudo rm /etc/fonts/conf.d/70-no-bitmaps.conf sudo fc-cache -f -v
Det ser till att bitmappade fonter blir tillåtna och drar igenom font-cachen.